Solo in St. Gallen

Back from such a beautiful trip to Switzerland and Poland.
Played a soloshow in St. Gallen and got in touch with such an amazing instrument, that kind of piano that feels lika an extension of yourself. Incredible dynamics, such a lovely sound and mechanics from heaven. I always get kind of overwhelmed when meeting a piano with that capacity, when things work so flawless. 
Struck me again how intense the atmosphere can be with an audience and how wiped out the lines between stage and listeners become. The amount of energy produced in these situations is massive. I can easily see a Noble Prize-winner in any scientist who finds way to capture it. 
Any concert, any festival is a big generator. 
After this kind of experience, the artist shouldn't take a bow. We should all bow to each other.

This makes me think of the Covid-times. Such an incredible loss of meetings, experiences, connections, energies! I totally understood then as well as now why it was necessary to stay at home. I guess I'm just expressing gratitude for being able to do what I do again. To see people sitting next to each other without face-masks, taking part and being part of what's happening in the room is fuel for the art. Thank you for going to concerts, for supporting live music, theatre, exhibitions and whatever is expressions for our different cultures, democracy and freedom.

Went early as **** from Zürich to Warsaw. It was autumn when I arrived to Switzerland and winter when I left, the season changed overnight. Lots of snow. Lots! 
Delayed flight. Long trip in a good car in great company. Finally at the venue it was great to meet Kari Sal and her band again! Great players and great spirit!
The evening was a double-show where one of the concerts was a duo-concert with Adam Baldych.
Met him the first time many years ago when recording his ACT-debut with me, Verneri Pohjola, Marius Neset, Lars Danielsson and Morten Lund. 
Was so good to play in this format together and I'm very happy for the interplay, the energy and the dynamics. Can't wait to do it again.

Some of next week's shows will be at an absolutely fantastic place, Doubletime in Hameln.
The club started in 2019 where I had the true honor to play the opening show that turned into a second sold-out and then a third sold out show.
The venue is built on and by true passion and you could feel that energy and atmosphere in the room from the first night, even if the paint had barely dried. It amazes me how this people came up with the idea, made the dream come real and stayed in business and sane through the above mentioned pandemic. Once again, passion. This is inspiration, this is food for thought, fuel for art and makes 1+1=3. Thank you all who make these things happen, thank you all who go the extra mile and all you who are curious and go to concerts!

